Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS di Roma


Articles on peer-review journals

Basic and Preclinical Research for Personalized MedicineLattanzi W., Ripoli C., Greco V., Barba M., Iavarone F., Minucci A., Urbani A., Grassi C., Parolini O.J Pers Med.April 29th 202111(5):354. doi: 10.3390/jpm11050354. PMID: 33946634; PMCID: PMC8146055
Challenges of Prevention for a Sustainable Personalized MedicinePastorino R., Loreti C., Giovannini S., Ricciardi W., Padua L., Boccia S.J Pers Med.April 16th 202111(4):311. doi: 10.3390/jpm11040311. PMID: 33923579; PMCID: PMC8073054
Translational Research in the Era of Precision Medicine: Where We Are and Where We Will GoDe Maria Marchiano R., Di Sante G., Piro G., Carbone C., Tortora G., Boldrini L., Pietragalla A., Daniele G., Tredicine M., Cesario A., Valentini V., Gallo D., Babini G., D'Oria M., Scambia G.J Pers Med.March 18th 202111(3):216. doi: 10.3390/jpm11030216. PMID: 33803592; PMCID: PMC8002976.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Managing Multimorbidity and CancerCesario A., D'Oria M., Calvani R., Picca A., Pietragalla A., Lorusso D., Daniele G., Lohmeyer F.M., Boldrini L., Valentini V., Bernabei R., Auffray C., Scambia G.J Pers Med.April 19th 202111(4):314. doi: 10.3390/jpm11040314. PMID: 33921621; PMCID: PMC8074144
Personalized Clinical Phenotyping through Systems Medicine and Artificial IntelligenceCesario A., D'Oria M., Bove F., Privitera G., Boškoski I., Pedicino D., Boldrini L., Erra C., Loreti C., Liuzzo G., Crea F., Armuzzi A., Gasbarrini A., Calabresi P., Padua L., Costamagna G., Antonelli M., Valentini V., Auffray C., Scambia G.J Pers Med.April 2nd 202111(4):265. doi: 10.3390/jpm11040265. PMID: 33918214; PMCID: PMC8065854
The personalized medicine discourse: archaeology and genealogyCesario A., Lohmeyer F.M., D'Oria M., Manto A., Scambia G.J Pers Med.June 202124(2):247-253. doi: 10.1007/s11019-020-09997-6. Epub 2021 Jan 3. PMID: 33389365


Personalized Medicine meets Artificial Intelligence. Blitz along the paradigm shift

Cesario A, Scambia G, Auffray C (eds) (in press).


The book provides an interdisciplinary perspective on Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Medicine for researchers (academic and industrial), clinicians, and students interested in this topic, laying the foundation for important advances in medicine and health care.

Persona e Medicina. Sinergie sistemiche per la medicina personalizzata

Anelli F, Cesario A, D'Oria M, Giuliodori C, Scambia G (eds.) (2021).

FrancoAngeli: Milano. ISBN: 9788835120384

An interdisciplinary reflection on how people can approach medicine in an integrated way and in various existential situations. This book belongs to the field of Medical Humanities and is intended to appeal to researchers, physicians, residents and students in health care who are interested in learning more about the personalization of medicine in research and care.

La medicina personalizzata fra ricerca e cura

Cesario A, D'Oria M, Scambia G (a cura di) (2020).

FrancoAngeli: Milano. ISBN: 9788835108078

In this book, clinicians and researchers from the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome illustrate some of the themes of Personalized Medicine that cut across multiple clinical fields, providing reflections, examples, and strategies learned in the field to address the challenges of modern medicine. The book is aimed at medical and surgical students and residents who wish to learn about these topics, as well as researchers involved in basic, translational and clinical research interested in personalized medicine.

Gemelli Rome Triangle


Gemelli Rome Triangle