Department digestive system (CEMAD), hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
Our department is a referral for the diagnosis and treatment of all forms of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis due to various causes including: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, HBV, HDV, HCV infection, autoimmune hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis, hemochromatosis, alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency, and Wilson's disease.
Our department is also specialized in the management of vascular diseases of the liver (portal thrombosis, PSVD, Budd Chiari syndrome) and all forms of acute and chronic pancreatitis and biliary system diseases.
Thanks to the educational and research activities that the hospital makes, thanks also to the high academic standards that the Catholic University offers, we are improving our medical treatment with significant technologies (e.g. State-of-the-art ultrasound technology) that allows us to face up to these diseases.
More than 400 patients with chronic liver diseases and 200 with biliary and pancreatic diseases are referred to the outpatient service every month and there are more than 100 inpatients each month that consult the hospital for multidisciplinary consultations.
We provide screening, diagnosis, and treatment of primary liver neoplasms, especially hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as biliary and pancreatic tumors. In fact, a multidisciplinary tumor board of proven expertise meets weekly in our center, in order to define different types of therapeutic solutions. In addition, our department hosts master’s degree programs in ultrasound (e.g. Endoscopic ultrasound) and PhD programs that make possible continuous scientific updating for physicians who wish to take advantage of them.
Our department is staffed by highly qualified medical and nursing personnel, who carry out their daily activities in the diagnostic and therapeutic phase in the different clinical settings as outpatient, day hospital, inpatient or counseling settings.
Clinical examination, general assessment:
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