Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS di Roma

Radiation Oncology

Radiotherapy or radiation oncology is a clinical discipline that uses radiation for the treatment of various pathologies, mainly tumors. Modern radiotherapy uses high energies and beams of ionizing radiation, less harmful and more effective because they allow the death of neoplastic cells, without the simultaneous death of healthy cells.

Radiotherapy is not only used for curative purposes with the aim of healing the patient, but also for palliative purposes, to relieve pain and improve the quality of life in cases of neoplasms at an advanced stage of the disease.

Gemelli ART

The Gemelli A.R.T. (Advanced Radiation Therapy) Division of Radiation Oncology of the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic Foundation, is a highly specialized center that provides patients and outpatients with cutting-edge treatments from a clinical and technological point of view. The Center is equipped with three Linear Accelerators (LINAC) that allow the use of multiple treatment methods.

The Radiotherapy Unit also makes use of an inpatient department with 22 beds and Day Hospital chairs for the execution of chemotherapy treatments along with radiotherapy and supportive therapies for patients who are stuggling while undertaking treatment. This allows also patients, who are not able to carry out therapy on an outpatient basis, to be hospitalized.

Finally, Gemelli ART has developed a patient-oriented care plan: through the A.R.T. & ART Project, the rooms have been set up with artistic paintings that give freshness and warmth. The reception of a sick person is based on many details: listening, attention, professionalism and commitment, but for a healthcare department the individual relationship alone is not enough, it is also necessary a serene, welcoming and colorful environment.

A multidisciplinary approach to radiation oncology

At the A. Gemelli University Hospital Foundation the evaluation of the patient suffering from neoplasia is carried out in the context of multidisciplinary meetings, which see the participation of several oncological training specialists who, after evaluating the pathological stage of the disease, referring to national and international guidelines, decide on the appropriate diagnostic-therapeutic interventions for each individual patient.

The radiotherapy of the A. Gemelli University Hospital is able to ensure patients the appropiate therapies for the treatment of their neoplasms.

Gemelli Rome Triangle


Gemelli Rome Triangle