The "Clinica della Memoria" (Memory Clinic) headed by Dr. Camillo Marra, was created with the aim to produce a synergistic effort, on the part of prof. Paolo Maria Rossini, Director of the Neuroscience Area and prof. Roberto Bernabei, Director of the Aging, Neurological, Orthopedic and Head-Neck Sciences Department in order to bring together the different skills of the areas under a single direction and create paths and preferential lanes to the growing request for diagnosis and assistance related to the pathology of dementia.
The objective of the Simple Unit of the Memory Clinic Area is to provide patients with suspected dementia with a rapid referral service through preferential access to the first "neuropsychogeriatric visits" that are carried out at the CEMI outpatient clinic.
Within the Memory Clinic there are various caregivers (neurologist, geriatrician, psychologist, cognitive rehabilitator, speech therapist) who intervene for their skills in the various moments of the clinical history of the patient with dementia.
Inside the Memory Clinic, first neuopsychogeriatric visits are performed, neuropsychological tests for the evaluation of cognitive functions, formulation of therapeutic plans for patients with dementia, geriatric and neuropsychological follow-up visits, genetic counseling activities for family dementia, rehabilitation programs for cognitive disorders and specific speech therapy activities for linguistic and memory disorders susceptible to specific treatment (team: Dr. Camillo Marra, Dr. Davide Quaranta, Dr. Antonio Daniele, Dr.ssa Rossella Liperoti, Dr.ssa Camilla Cipriani).
From the Memory Clinic, patients are directed, if conditions require it, to hospitalization on the ward or to the Neuropsychology day hospital and to the Geriatric day hospital.